Putt Toxey

Aug 13, 20203 min

5 Ways You Should've Capitalized During Quarantine

#Pandemic #lifechanging #capitalized #nestegg #Beaware #people #USA #Theworld #TheRonnReport

Written By (Ronald Guest)

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a harsh and unforgiving global reality for the world. There have been many casualties and close calls. Many conspiracy theories have developed over time. Some feel it is a hoax; other people say it is a plot that has been constructed by our government to carry out a plan to control the population. Whether this is the case or not, I like to deal with data. And the fact is, aside from what is known as essential workers, the nation was, put on quarantine. For reasons unbeknownst to me, many Americans didn't adhere to the stay at home order that was, implemented. In this article, I want to discuss some ways that we could have and should have capitalized during this quarantine.

At the top of this list for me would be saved. If this pandemic taught us anything, it showed us that emergencies happen; you, my friend, have life messed up. In the beginning, we had families without simple necessities like toilet paper and water. Many were not sure of how they would survive through this trying time. It was to the point where many bills and fees such as rent, credit cards, and more were on freeze because they knew customers weren't able to come up with the capital to cover the cost. Then some were given a stimulus check mid-way through. As crazy as this might sound, some were fortunate enough to be unemployed at the time and received extra money weekly, in addition to the benefits felt they were already entitled to. This; was the time to save like never before. With uncertainty as to when this would all blow over; I feel it was imperative to take advantage of this hold on expenses and extra capital.

In addition to saving, this also was an ideal time to complete unfinished tasks and tie up any loose ends that may have been lingering in your life. Of course, some of the things were off-limits due to the circumstances. However; this was the opportunity to clean out that closet you’ve been procrastinating about. Balancing that checkbook or clearing out the garage; all the assignments that we’ve neglected, we were granted ample time to accomplish them. If this free time wasn’t used productively, and you come out of this “pandemic” the same way you went in; you’ve squandered a superb opportunity.

Also at the top of the list, just as important as saving; if not more would have to be quality time with family. With schools closing early, jobs allowing and/or mandating people to stay home, to not use this as an opportune time to get a more in-depth feel of what your children are learning in school. Or, as I’ve done; create a personalized curriculum for your child to follow. I’ve heard many people say this quarantine put a lot of relationships to the test. I’m certain there is some truth to that. In such close quarters and extended periods, this has taken a toll on people’s opinions of each other, as well as their relationships.

Finally, this was the best chance for us to learn something new. Not only learn something, but this would be self-help, self-taught accomplishment. I was dabbling with the stock market for some time and never really had the chance to learn the in’s and out’s of it. During this stay at home order; I took the time to cram into books, CNBC, CNN, YouTube, and other information sources to teach myself the things I didn’t know. We are living in a moment that will go down in history as one of a kind. Although it will be remembered as a terrible time, be sure that you come out of it stronger, with a positive memory of what it is that you attained

Today's Call Of Action Make Sure To Le Us Know What You Did As A Come Up During Quarantine.

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