Putt Toxey

Sep 21, 20203 min

What's On Your Bucket List?

#skydiving #justdoit #skydiving #whatyoulaughingat #cruising #hotels #wifeandfamily #whattodoent

I think life is too short, before you know it you will look back and wished you did a bunch of things in your lifetime. The thing about a bucket list is they are never too early to start. Most people think when a person put together a bucket list. it means they are about to die. When you could look at it as a wonderful to-do list. Today's blog I will show you a few of my ideas on the bucket list and a few I accomplished. Hopefully, this will inspire my reader to do the same.

I want to take a bath in an outside bathtub with beautiful scenery.

Being clean is next to godliness or so it's been said. Showers are nice but it can't beat a hot soothing bath. Now imagine a bath is a wonderful atmosphere. I want to try many different places and styles.

Visit an underwater hotel.

One of my favorite pass time is staying at a hotel. I guess that is why I love cruising. It is the best of both worlds hotels and traveling. So with that being said the only type of hotel I never even step foot in or swim to is an underwater hotel. This gives a new meaning to "Sleeping with the fishes".

Let a Tesla drive me to another state.

I had been driving for over half my life. I used to drive for a living. eight long years 9-10 hours a day 5 days a week. So when I quit my job I hated being behind a wheel. Yes, I do still drive time to time but only out of necessity not for pleasure anymore. I do still love to go places, I just don't want to drive to get to them. So when Tesla came out with the self-driving vehicles I knew that they made them for people just like me.

Learn 3 other languages Or More

I just told you guys in the underwater section I love to travel. This goes hand and hand with learning languages. I want to be able to travel and communicate with the people at the places I visit. I'm a people person and what better to get to know people then speaking with them?

Take my grandmother on a cruise.

Taking my grandmother on a cruise sounds simple enough. Here is the problem she is so old school and stuck in her ways. She won't get on a plane or boat. I might have to take some tips from the A-team. I know my grandmother so I know she will love the cruise, it just getting her to try the first one. she thinks that ships are unsafe. So If anyone has an idea to get her on one please share.

Go in an antigravity room.

This is clean-cut I just want to try it.

Find A Good Woman For Me To Marry

I'm a family man so it would only make sense for me to want to settle down with a wife and family, yes I have children and they turn out well. Race, color does not matter to me as long as she and I share some of the same values. I'm looking for a woman that doesn't mind going thru the ups and down until the company is producing revenue needed to enjoy the rest of our lives. Plus not afraid to get her hands dirty to help out.

Own A House And The Land Under It Completely Paid For

Most people just say they want a house but not really sure want they are getting themselves into. A house is great but if you don't own the land you will always be in debt. Plus if or when the landowner decides to sell the land now you have a real problem. So I don't want just the milk, I want to buy the whole cow.

Learn To Fly A Plane

Why not I can operate every other type of vehicle. On land and water, I'm more than good. I need to see what type of skills I have in the air.

Those above were a few things on my current list. Trust me when I said there are plenty more. Now here is a few things I knocked out already.




wrote a book

Produced A Show

Went Hang Gliding

Went Scuba Diving

Opened A Restaurant

Today's call of action, tell us about your bucket list of things that you have crossed off. Let us know how did it feel when it was done?

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